The members of our International Advisory Board are human rights defenders, practitioners, scholars, and activists who keep the Program connected to cutting-edge developments around the world. They provide advice to the program, offer guest lectures in our courses, advise student projects, and involve students in the real-world work of their organizations.
Anton Burkov
Director and Principal Attorney of the human rights NGO Strategic Litigation Center
Priscilla Yagu Ciesay
Co-Founder and Senior Technical Advisor of Women’s Association, Women & Victims’ Empowerment (WAVE-Gambia)
Michelle L. Cook
Founder, Divest Invest Protect
Co-Director of the Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations
Savo Heleta
Researcher and Educator, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Kamila Mateeva
Associate Professor of Law Program
Director of the LL.M program, American University of Central Asia
Neish McLean
Co-Founder, TransWave Jamaica
Venkatesh Nayak
Coordinator of Access to Information, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena
Commissioner, Right to Information (RTI) Commission of Sri Lanka
Shayna Plaut
Director of Research and Exhibition Development, Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Advisory Board Member, UA Program in Human Rights Practice
Kah Walla
Entrepreneur, Activist and Political Leader from Cameroon
Former International Advisory Board Members
Serge Bambara (Smockey)
Hip Hop artist
founder/owner of Studio Abazon in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Cristina Coc
Maya Leaders Alliance co-spokesperson
Founder and Program Director for Julian Cho Society
Lena Yanina Estrada Añokazi
Researcher UNESCO and Chair, Sustainability Institute, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
Gaye Sowe
Executive Director, Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa