Mara Duran Dominguez

I am from Guadalajara, Jalisco, México and I have a Psychology degree and a Bachelor's degree in Human Development. I also have a Master's degree in Brief Therapy, a Horse Therapy certification, and another Art Therapy certification.
I am interested in human rights the field because complements the areas of work in which I perform. We all have the right to live a dignified life, enjoy freedom, live, express love, and achieve our dreams. I am committed to fostering development and cultivating the well-being of people, especially women, children, and immigrants.
Thinking we can change the world is a very romantic but necessary statement. Human beings are a mixture of culture, traditions, and expectations deposited in us from birth. I grew up in a country where girls are mistreated, women are constantly devalued and subjected to stay in compliance with social and religious mandates, and insecurity is increasing. Mexico does not provide security guarantees to its citizens, who are violated to the point of abandoning their country.
People have the right to live without discrimination of any kind, to live free from violence of any kind, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and acts of femicide. Human rights must be applied to the environment of all people more visibly so that they can be part of the current reality and improve their quality of life. From my experience and field of work, I focus on women, children, and immigrants so they can access education and health in the first instance. Applying human rights to women, children, and immigrants is necessary for sustainable development and global welfare.
My goal is to finish my MA in Human Rights at UArizona, help people discover their potential, motivate them to pursue their goals, and have a life full of fulfillment