Fully-online undergraduate courses in Human Rights Practice for Spring 2024

Nov. 16, 2023
Spring Session 1: January 10-March 1, 2024

HRTS 250: Current Issues in Human RightsOffering a special focus this semester on “Reproductive Rights and Justice after Roe v. Wade”  

HRTS 300: Human Rights in the United States -- Applying interdisciplinary approaches to homelessness, mass incarceration, and other social justice concerns in the US.

HRTS 305: Human Rights StoriesExploring -- through film, literature and art -- the stories of human rights victims, perpetrators, and activists during genocides   

HRTS 496b/596b: Cutting Edge Advances in Human Rights: Self- and collective- care, well-being and spiritualityApplying a holistic framework for human rights practice

HRTS 497a/597a: Exploring Human Rights through Virtual Field Trips Using virtual technology to examine the lived experience of migrant journeys

Spring Session 2: March 11-May 1, 2024

HRTS 200: Introduction to Human Rights -- Covering historical, legal, and applied aspects of human rights, including working as a practitioner in the field

HRTS/GWS 320: Gender-Based Violence and Human Rights -- Advancing understanding of the legal, medical, social, and related dimensions of gendered violence

HRTS 411: Strategic Litigation – Deploying legal strategies to promote human rights practice, including engagement with real-world legal campaigns

HRTS 461: Human Rights in Eurasia —Focusing on the past, present, and future of human rights in this wide-ranging and varied region New course!

 HRTS 495a/595a: Human Rights Across Contexts: Ecotourism, Conservation, and Indigenous Rights Confronting the problems of “green colonialism”

For more information about any of these courses, email: RaymondSmith@arizona.edu.

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