The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on Civil Society and Human Rights: Two Events with Dr. Anton Burkov

Human Rights Practice International Advisory Board Member Dr. Anton Burkov will be presenting on the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war at two in-person events on the University of Arizona campus on Monday, October 16.
The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Human Rights in Russia: A View from Inside
Mon, Oct 16 2023, 11:45am - 1:15pm, LAW 168
Please join the University of Arizona College of Law and the College of Social & Behavioral Science's Human Rights Practice Program on Monday, Oct. 16, at noon for a presentation by Dr. Anton Burkov. Dr. Burkov will discuss the impact of the war on internal human rights in Russia, focusing on the manner by which human rights are enforced, in light of Russia's suspension from the Council of Europe.
Register for this in-person event at:…
Adjustments to Civil Society in Russia as a Result of the Russo-Ukrainian War
Mon, Oct 16 2023, 4:00-5:00pm, ILC 130
Sponsored by the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, Dr. Anton Burkov will discuss the background to what was already happening to civil society before the start of the war and the challenges they faced, and then go into the ongoing problems faced by NGOs as a result of the war, with a particular focus on his NGO - the Strategic Litigation Center - and what he has done as a result of the changes that the war presented.
Dr. Anton Burkov, LLM (Essex), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Director and Principal Attorney of the human rights NGO Strategic Litigation Center where he litigates strategic cases, organizes online training, and teaches. In 2019 he started an online school ECHRNavigator on bringing cases to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). As of today, ECHR-Navigator ( offers courses on issues of bringing cases to the ECHR, UN organs, and national courts run in 3 languages (Russian, Ukrainian, and English) with more than 300 alumni from 4 countries.
Since 2021 ECHR-Navigator cooperates with the University of Arizona’s online MA in Human Rights Practice. Courses offered by ECHR-Navigator are counted toward Certificate and MA at the University of Arizona.
To read more about Anton Burkov, you can read his profile on the Human Rights Practice website.