Perspectives on Human Rights Practice and Peace Corps Service

As part of Peace Corps Week 2024 at the University of Arizona, a panel was co-sponsored by the Human Rights Practice Program and the Office of International Development featuring several UArizona alums including Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs). The YouTube video is available below.
The panelists were: Robin Al-haddad, Caroline Lewis, Abby Nelson, and Abdulfetah Sigal. Panelists discussed their experiences about the intersection of Peace Corps, human rights, and international service. Viewers of the video can learn more about how human rights issues impact Peace Corps service and how Returned Peace Corps Volunteers go on to careers related to human rights.
Additional remarks were made by three other RPCVs: Chris Elsner, UArizona Peace Corps Prep Coordinator; Beverly Seckinger, professor and head of the Human Rights and Documentary Media Graduate Certificate; and Eric Bergthold, Executive Director of the UA Office of International Development. The moderator was Human Rights Practice faculty member and Executive Committee member Raymond Smith.
To read more about human rights practice and Peace Corps service connect, you can read the story Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) share perspectives on Human Rights Practice recent story from the HRP Program on the UArizona HRTS Blog.