"The Human Rights of LGBT Persons" course to run in fall semester 2023
Aug. 1, 2023

HRTS 495a/595a – Human Rights Across Contexts
The Human Rights of LGBT+ Persons
Fully online course -- 7 weeks, Fall Session 2 (October-December 2023)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) communities around the world have made important advances in securing their human rights, but these remain under constant assault and attack. There is still so much work for human rights defenders to do in:
- preventing interpersonal and state-sponsored hate-motivated violence;
- deterring discrimination in employment, education, and healthcare;
- securing legal recognition for gender identity and expression;
- ensuring the safety of LGBT youths, families, and relationships;
- destigmatizing sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersex status;
- remedying many other violations of LGBT dignity and wellbeing.
Join this course offered by UArizona’s Program in Human Rights Practice to study the ongoing threats to and future opportunities for international human rights as a mechanism for protecting LGBT people worldwide. HRTS 495a/595a has no pre-requisites and is open to all graduate and undergraduate students from AZ Online, Main Campus, and Global Direct. For more info, contact the instructor at: RaymondSmith@arizona.edu